How in the world can it be the last day of November?! I mean, in 31 days we'll be in 2014. Should I feel old? Nah!
Well, maybe I feel a little old after today. After 12 hours of being away from home today we are finally home again. We left the house at 7:15 this morning to drive up to Riverside to help Ben move into his house and arrived back in El Cajon at 7:15 PM. Feeling pretty tired!
I thought he would wait (and encouraged him to wait) until next March before moving out on his own again, but he chose to do it his own way.
He will now be living in Lake Elsinore, about a 30 minute drive from Danielle's. He is renting a house that they will live in after they're married. It's a new 3-bedroom house that the owner chose to rent out. At first Ben & Danielle were thinking about buying, but they listened to me on that one. I suggested they might want to rent first to make sure this is really the area they want to live in. Ben will have to commute to Riverside and he might decide it's a huge pain in the butt. Danielle is hoping to get a job in Lake Elsinore, but if that doesn't happen she'll be commuting too. Commuting is NOT fun! I should know. Actually, I do hope it works for them because I don't want to have to help move them in a year! Anyway, I'll try to post pictures soon. It's not all put together and they don't have everything they need, but they have enough to start out right now, especially since it'll just be Ben living there initially. However, I'd love to go in and decorate, but it's not my house, so I'll have to let them do what they want with it. Looking forward to watching it evolve.
Today I'm thankful for God's salvation through His Son Jesus and that I am His child.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
No, I didn't really participate in Black Friday. I slept in until 8:0 this morning and then got up and did some laundry and few other little things. I watched "Silver Bells" (one of my favorites) and ended up crying at the end of it. For some reason I felt so homesick for the Christmases that have been.
I was waiting for Mike to come home after he went into the church for a couple of hours. Then he ended up taking Akram (the husband of our Egyptian couple) to Best Buy so he could buy a GPS - which he didn't do because he thought they were too expensive. After taking Akram home, Mike came back to the house and we had a decision to make.
He had gotten a call from a mom with 4 kids who was living in a motel room. She was crying and saying she didn't have any money to buy food. Well, we weren't about to give her money, so we decided to go to the 99 Cent Store and buy her a few things she could cook in the microwave in the room. Also picked up some cereal and juice. We went to the motel and took the food to her room. Her two youngest children (2 & 3 year old little girls) were with her. Apparently the older 2 girls stayed with friends. We talked with her and found out she has a heart condition and has a pacemaker and is on disability. Her check is supposed to come next Tuesday. She has family in Arizona and Virginia and they have said she can come back to live with them, so we encouraged her to do that. It's so hard to know if people are telling you the truth. We have been taken by some and then others have been legitimate. We also encouraged her to come to church Sunday. However, we left it up to her to call if she was coming so we could get a ride for her. We'll see if she follows through.
I took Mike home and then went out to do some shopping. I went to Bed, Bath & Beyond, Ross, Dollar Tree, Family Christian Store, Wal-Mart and Kohls. The crowds didn't seem awful, but there was some standing in line. But how the stores have been ravaged and I was surprised how picked over things are already. Think I'm going to try some online shopping. I was exhausted and I was only out for 4 hours.
Now I'm home once again relaxing and trying to come up with a plan for the rest of my holiday shopping. My goal is to be done by Friday the 13th. Haha! :)
I was waiting for Mike to come home after he went into the church for a couple of hours. Then he ended up taking Akram (the husband of our Egyptian couple) to Best Buy so he could buy a GPS - which he didn't do because he thought they were too expensive. After taking Akram home, Mike came back to the house and we had a decision to make.
He had gotten a call from a mom with 4 kids who was living in a motel room. She was crying and saying she didn't have any money to buy food. Well, we weren't about to give her money, so we decided to go to the 99 Cent Store and buy her a few things she could cook in the microwave in the room. Also picked up some cereal and juice. We went to the motel and took the food to her room. Her two youngest children (2 & 3 year old little girls) were with her. Apparently the older 2 girls stayed with friends. We talked with her and found out she has a heart condition and has a pacemaker and is on disability. Her check is supposed to come next Tuesday. She has family in Arizona and Virginia and they have said she can come back to live with them, so we encouraged her to do that. It's so hard to know if people are telling you the truth. We have been taken by some and then others have been legitimate. We also encouraged her to come to church Sunday. However, we left it up to her to call if she was coming so we could get a ride for her. We'll see if she follows through.
I took Mike home and then went out to do some shopping. I went to Bed, Bath & Beyond, Ross, Dollar Tree, Family Christian Store, Wal-Mart and Kohls. The crowds didn't seem awful, but there was some standing in line. But how the stores have been ravaged and I was surprised how picked over things are already. Think I'm going to try some online shopping. I was exhausted and I was only out for 4 hours.
Now I'm home once again relaxing and trying to come up with a plan for the rest of my holiday shopping. My goal is to be done by Friday the 13th. Haha! :)
Thursday, November 28, 2013
The day started off by sleeping in ... until 7:30. :) Got up and made Mike some waffles for breakfast. Then I made deviled eggs and whipped up my sweet potato casserole. Watched some of the Macy's Parade and road my bike.
We left to go up to Ramona to Mike's sister at 1:15 and got there about 40 minutes later. We were supposed to eat at 2:00, but everything wasn't ready. Mike read Psalm 100 and we all shared what we were thankful for and then prayed for the meal and ate.
It was strange because there were only 8 of us this year. It's the first year we all fit around one table.
After dinner Mike and Joe (Mike's sister's husband) fell asleep. While the women cleaned up ... sound typical? :)
At 4:30 Hannah (our niece) and her new hubby John had to leave to make a 4 hours drive to his folks. About a half hour after they left Hannah's sister Courtney and her boyfriend Jake arrived for dessert and 15 minutes after that Mike's brother Rod and his wife and 2 kids came for dessert.
At one point Mike and I broke away and Face Timed with Heidi and Zach.
Rod's kids wanted to watch "Despicable Me", so we did. At 7:00 Mike's mom wanted to leave to go home. She had been there since Monday. We were going to take her home, but since Rod & Amy came they live closer to her so they took her home.
We all ended up leaving at 7:15.
Now we're home and it seems so weird to have spent a holiday without any of our kids. Sometimes I don't like that they're all grown up. Sometimes it would be nice to go back and re-live some of those days when they were little. Sigh
Today I'm thankful for the electronics that allow us to keep in touch with family who lives so far away.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Just in case you consume too many calories on Thanksgiving (or any day), try these:
* Fidgeting can burn up to 350 calories a day.
* Light-headed: Thinking for one hour burns about 1/15 of a gram of fat.
* Laughing for 10 to 15 minutes a day will burn about four pounds of fat in a year.
* Maintaining good posture can burn up to 350 calories each day.
However, stay away from this:
* A person can gain 15 pounds each year just by adding one can of soda a day to their diet.
Today I am thankful for a 4-day weekend which I fully intend to enjoy!
* Fidgeting can burn up to 350 calories a day.
* Light-headed: Thinking for one hour burns about 1/15 of a gram of fat.
* Laughing for 10 to 15 minutes a day will burn about four pounds of fat in a year.
* Maintaining good posture can burn up to 350 calories each day.
However, stay away from this:
* A person can gain 15 pounds each year just by adding one can of soda a day to their diet.
Today I am thankful for a 4-day weekend which I fully intend to enjoy!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
My day started at what I thought was 4:30 AM. I heard Mike get up to put the dog out and when he came back to bed I thought it had to be around 4:30; close to gettin' up time. I asked him what time it was, but before he could answer I looked at my alarm clock and it was almost 6:00. What?!!! I usually leave the house around 6:15. Whoops!!!
Well, it didn't take me long to hop out of bed. I quickly jumped in and out of the shower, got dressed, did my hair and make-up and had a very quick breakfast before heading out the door at 6:45. I had to stop at the bank on my way to work to make a deposit too. Fortunately the traffic wasn't bad and I got to work by 7:30.
The morning went by quickly and soon it was 11:00. About 8 of us from the department I work in went to lunch at Chipotle. Lunch was on the company. Right next door was Yogurtland and someone suggested going there afterwards ... so we did. Yogurtland has different flavors of frozen yogurt and you put as much as you want in a cup and you're charged according to the weight. I didn't get a lot, but enjoyed a little chocolate, peanut butter and coconut. This too was on the company. :)
From there we drove down the street to a Salvation Army church to volunteer. We spent the next 3 hours decorating their church for them. It was a lot of fun.
However, there was one girl (Michelle) in our group of 8 who was helping put up several of the nativity's and she said she would just hand me the pieces because she didn't have a clue how to set a nativity up. She didn't know about the shepherds or the wise men. The nativity we were setting up was in a glass display case that didn't have enough room to put everything on one shelf because the figurines were large. So I told her we'd put the shepherds and sheep near Jesus, Mary & Joseph and that we'd put the wise men and camels on the lower shelf since they didn't come right away. Her response was, "Really? But the shepherds were there?" So I briefly told her about the angels in the sky making their announcement to the shepherds, but that it took the wise men two years as they followed the star.
After we were all done for the day, my friend (and supervisor) Sharon and I were talking with Michelle and complimenting each other on all the good decorating, and Sharon mentioned about the 3 gifts of the wise men - gold, frankincense and myrrh. Michelle asked what frankincense and myrrh were. We were able to share with her that the gold symbolized Jesus as king, the frankincense His priesthood and the myrrh symbolized His death. I told her that the reason Jesus was born was so He could die for our sins.
Michelle told us that she didn't go to church, but I have to tell you that I am dumbstruck that she knew nothing about the nativity. NOTHING! This is America, people! This should not be!
After leaving the Salvation Army I decided to stop by our church on my way home and take down the Fall decorations so we could be ready to "deck the halls" Sunday after church. I was kinda in the mood to decorate for Christmas, but knew I needed to wait. Then I came home and relaxed and will be heading to bed soon ... but checking my alarm first. :)
Today I'm thankful for the opportunity to plant a seed. I am praying that God uses today to speak to Michelle's heart. I am also praying about how God might want to use me.
Well, it didn't take me long to hop out of bed. I quickly jumped in and out of the shower, got dressed, did my hair and make-up and had a very quick breakfast before heading out the door at 6:45. I had to stop at the bank on my way to work to make a deposit too. Fortunately the traffic wasn't bad and I got to work by 7:30.
The morning went by quickly and soon it was 11:00. About 8 of us from the department I work in went to lunch at Chipotle. Lunch was on the company. Right next door was Yogurtland and someone suggested going there afterwards ... so we did. Yogurtland has different flavors of frozen yogurt and you put as much as you want in a cup and you're charged according to the weight. I didn't get a lot, but enjoyed a little chocolate, peanut butter and coconut. This too was on the company. :)
From there we drove down the street to a Salvation Army church to volunteer. We spent the next 3 hours decorating their church for them. It was a lot of fun.
However, there was one girl (Michelle) in our group of 8 who was helping put up several of the nativity's and she said she would just hand me the pieces because she didn't have a clue how to set a nativity up. She didn't know about the shepherds or the wise men. The nativity we were setting up was in a glass display case that didn't have enough room to put everything on one shelf because the figurines were large. So I told her we'd put the shepherds and sheep near Jesus, Mary & Joseph and that we'd put the wise men and camels on the lower shelf since they didn't come right away. Her response was, "Really? But the shepherds were there?" So I briefly told her about the angels in the sky making their announcement to the shepherds, but that it took the wise men two years as they followed the star.
After we were all done for the day, my friend (and supervisor) Sharon and I were talking with Michelle and complimenting each other on all the good decorating, and Sharon mentioned about the 3 gifts of the wise men - gold, frankincense and myrrh. Michelle asked what frankincense and myrrh were. We were able to share with her that the gold symbolized Jesus as king, the frankincense His priesthood and the myrrh symbolized His death. I told her that the reason Jesus was born was so He could die for our sins.
Michelle told us that she didn't go to church, but I have to tell you that I am dumbstruck that she knew nothing about the nativity. NOTHING! This is America, people! This should not be!
After leaving the Salvation Army I decided to stop by our church on my way home and take down the Fall decorations so we could be ready to "deck the halls" Sunday after church. I was kinda in the mood to decorate for Christmas, but knew I needed to wait. Then I came home and relaxed and will be heading to bed soon ... but checking my alarm first. :)
Today I'm thankful for the opportunity to plant a seed. I am praying that God uses today to speak to Michelle's heart. I am also praying about how God might want to use me.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Not much to report today. It's quite a bit chillier here today, but it did get warmer by noon so we could sit outside to eat. Traffic seemed lighter this morning and even this afternoon, so maybe a lot of people have taken the week off.
Tomorrow will be a half day of work and the afternoon will be devoted to volunteering at the Salvation Army with some other company employees. Not sure what we'll be doing yet. Then today we were told we could leave 3 hours early Wednesday ... and still get paid!
Today I'm thankful for my warm house and the creature comforts we have; not as much as others maybe, but enough for us. :)
Tomorrow will be a half day of work and the afternoon will be devoted to volunteering at the Salvation Army with some other company employees. Not sure what we'll be doing yet. Then today we were told we could leave 3 hours early Wednesday ... and still get paid!
Today I'm thankful for my warm house and the creature comforts we have; not as much as others maybe, but enough for us. :)
Sunday, November 24, 2013
In the trenches is exactly how I felt after being in the Toddler Room during church today! Wow! I had 3 little boys: one 2 year old and two 3 year olds. The first problem was when the mom of the 2 year old and one of the 3 year olds came into the room and then left and then came back and then left again. The two year old was NOT happy that mom left ... either time. And he didn't just cry; he screamed!
When I couldn't console him, I decided I would take them outside to the playground. Just right outside the door awaited my reprieve. :) Thank goodness for San Diego climate. Although a little cool, it was a beautiful morning! So I let them run and play. I really wanted to be able at some point to sit them down and read a story, but that wasn't going to happen. In fact, it may not happen for awhile.
You see, these kids - the 3 I had and the 2 the other teacher had in another room - are not "church" kids and their parents are not "church" parents and the children aren't disciplined in any way. So sad really, but it makes it extremely challenging for the childcare giver / teacher. When Margrit (the other teacher) and I debriefed afterwards she said it correctly - "We are truly in a mission field." Oh yeah.
Let's just hope we can all keep our sanity as we are in the trenches week after week. There are 3 other ladies in the church who are rotating through this ministry, so that's good.
While I've been in the children's area I have been noting several improvements that need to take place - both cosmetically and for safety purposes. You see, our church hasn't had children in quite awhile and it's been just recently that we've had children. We are very thankful. But I'm afraid the children's area has been neglected and needs some sprucing. The other ladies and I will be getting together soon to discuss and brainstorm. In the meantime, I sent our Deacons an email to give them a heads-up of my observations. Hoping we can get some things taken care of soon.
We had a new family visit our church today and a single mom and her two children come back for the 2nd week.
After church, Mike and one of the other men delivered the last Thanksgiving food box. Then we went to get something to eat at one of the malls. Saw that the movie based on Max Lucado's book, "The Christmas Candle" is showing there. Would like to see it sometime, but don't know when.
Came home and put on my jammies. Always feels good to relax. Started watching a new Hallmark movie, "Window Wonderland", but just couldn't get interested. I'm disappointed in this year's Hallmark movies. There's only one new one that I've liked and that was "The Christmas Ornament" with Kelly Martin.
Well, only 3 days of work this week. I won't have any trouble sleeping tonight. I'm tired already and it's only 6:00.
Today I'm thankful for the growth we are seeing at our church. It's a hard work, but God will do it because it's HIS church, not ours.
When I couldn't console him, I decided I would take them outside to the playground. Just right outside the door awaited my reprieve. :) Thank goodness for San Diego climate. Although a little cool, it was a beautiful morning! So I let them run and play. I really wanted to be able at some point to sit them down and read a story, but that wasn't going to happen. In fact, it may not happen for awhile.
You see, these kids - the 3 I had and the 2 the other teacher had in another room - are not "church" kids and their parents are not "church" parents and the children aren't disciplined in any way. So sad really, but it makes it extremely challenging for the childcare giver / teacher. When Margrit (the other teacher) and I debriefed afterwards she said it correctly - "We are truly in a mission field." Oh yeah.
Let's just hope we can all keep our sanity as we are in the trenches week after week. There are 3 other ladies in the church who are rotating through this ministry, so that's good.
While I've been in the children's area I have been noting several improvements that need to take place - both cosmetically and for safety purposes. You see, our church hasn't had children in quite awhile and it's been just recently that we've had children. We are very thankful. But I'm afraid the children's area has been neglected and needs some sprucing. The other ladies and I will be getting together soon to discuss and brainstorm. In the meantime, I sent our Deacons an email to give them a heads-up of my observations. Hoping we can get some things taken care of soon.
We had a new family visit our church today and a single mom and her two children come back for the 2nd week.
After church, Mike and one of the other men delivered the last Thanksgiving food box. Then we went to get something to eat at one of the malls. Saw that the movie based on Max Lucado's book, "The Christmas Candle" is showing there. Would like to see it sometime, but don't know when.
Came home and put on my jammies. Always feels good to relax. Started watching a new Hallmark movie, "Window Wonderland", but just couldn't get interested. I'm disappointed in this year's Hallmark movies. There's only one new one that I've liked and that was "The Christmas Ornament" with Kelly Martin.
Well, only 3 days of work this week. I won't have any trouble sleeping tonight. I'm tired already and it's only 6:00.
Today I'm thankful for the growth we are seeing at our church. It's a hard work, but God will do it because it's HIS church, not ours.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
I didn't end up going to the Block Party this morning. I wasn't feeling well. :(
The good news is I'm better. :)
A couple of night's ago Mike wasn't feeling well. :(
I think I might have gotten whatever he had. :(
A bug perhaps. :(
Slept in and it felt great. :)
It's been a chilly day. :(
After I got up I did some laundry. :)
Decided it would be a good idea to wash the bedding. :)
Then I balanced the checkbook and reconciled the bank statement. :)
It all balanced! :)
Read a little this afternoon. :)
Went to Wal-Mart and it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. :)
Not just the decorations and gift displays. :)
The crowds! :(
Ordered a Christmas tree online. :)
Going with an artificial pre-lit this year. :)
Going to miss my kids this year. :(
Saw a picture of Andy & Mackenzie's house decorated with lights. :)
Andy did a good job. :)
I should think about getting our lights out too. :)
Didn't decorate for Fall/Thanksgiving this year. :(
It's too late now. :(
So I'll concentrate on Christmas. :)
Need to prep some stuff for Sunday morning. :)
Watching Gift of the Magi (2010). :)
Haven't been real impressed with this year's Hallmark Christmas movies. :(
One of the stupidest, in my opinion, was Catch a Christmas Star (2013). I couldn't even watch it all. :(
Watched A Town Without Christmas (2001) this afternoon. :)
A little cheesy, but I did like it. :)
Think we'll have hamburgers for dinner tonight. :)
Mike needs to get home and cook them on the grill. :)
Not feeling tired because I slept in this morning. :)
Hope that doesn't mean I'll stay up too late. :(
Today I'm thankful for my health (even when I feel sick or am actually sick). :)
The good news is I'm better. :)
A couple of night's ago Mike wasn't feeling well. :(
I think I might have gotten whatever he had. :(
A bug perhaps. :(
Slept in and it felt great. :)
It's been a chilly day. :(
After I got up I did some laundry. :)
Decided it would be a good idea to wash the bedding. :)
Then I balanced the checkbook and reconciled the bank statement. :)
It all balanced! :)
Read a little this afternoon. :)
Went to Wal-Mart and it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. :)
Not just the decorations and gift displays. :)
The crowds! :(
Ordered a Christmas tree online. :)
Going with an artificial pre-lit this year. :)
Going to miss my kids this year. :(
Saw a picture of Andy & Mackenzie's house decorated with lights. :)
Andy did a good job. :)
I should think about getting our lights out too. :)
Didn't decorate for Fall/Thanksgiving this year. :(
It's too late now. :(
So I'll concentrate on Christmas. :)
Need to prep some stuff for Sunday morning. :)
Watching Gift of the Magi (2010). :)
Haven't been real impressed with this year's Hallmark Christmas movies. :(
One of the stupidest, in my opinion, was Catch a Christmas Star (2013). I couldn't even watch it all. :(
Watched A Town Without Christmas (2001) this afternoon. :)
A little cheesy, but I did like it. :)
Think we'll have hamburgers for dinner tonight. :)
Mike needs to get home and cook them on the grill. :)
Not feeling tired because I slept in this morning. :)
Hope that doesn't mean I'll stay up too late. :(
Today I'm thankful for my health (even when I feel sick or am actually sick). :)
Friday, November 22, 2013
I held down the fort at work today since the other two gals I work with took the day off. I still feel unsure of myself in some things at work and I must have made a comment similar to that yesterday and my supervisor (one of the two off today) told me that I probably knew more than I thought I did. Well, apparently today was a test for that. Had a lot of people asking me for a lot of information and I was able to find everything they needed. YAY! That was a nice end to my work week.
After work I stopped at Wal-Mart to buy 4 more turkeys for our Thanksgiving boxes that were packed yesterday afternoon. Our small congregation ended up bringing in enough food for 14 boxes to bless some needy families both inside and outside our church. Then me and another lady from church delivered one of the boxes and her husband and mine delivered another one. We had four families stop by the church to pick up their boxes. Then Mike & I delivered one more before going home. The rest of the boxes will be delivered Saturday and Sunday. Such a good feeling to be able to help others.
After a quick bite to eat we went over to New Seasons Church in Spring Valley for instructions for the Block Party we will be helping with tomorrow at their church. We have the 7 - 10:30 AM shift. Ugh! I have to get up EARLY on a Saturday. I'm thinking a nap is going to be part of my day tomorrow afternoon.
I forgot to say yesterday how blessed I was when I saw the video clip of little Zachary reciting John 3:16. How precious! It will be even more special when he comes to understand those words and accepts Jesus as his Savior!
So last night after I thought I was home for the night I ended up having to go to Wal-Mart to pick up a few cans of pumpkin to add to the Thanksgiving boxes and 14 packages of rolls. While I was there I got a case of water and put it on the bottom of the cart. I went to the self-checkout, paid and took everything to my car. As I was putting the bags of rolls and pumpkin in the car I looked down and saw the case of water. Oh no! I forgot to pay for it! Now as I stood there struggling with my conscious I was thinking what difference does it make? I'll just put it in the car and go home; Wal-Mart won't care. I was tired and just wanted to get back home. But then I thought, what if someone's watching me and as soon as I put it in my car they'll swoop down and arrest me. Then I thought, yeah, I'm being watched; God is watching me. I had even contemplated just leaving it on the cart and driving away. At least I wouldn't be stealing it. But, I would be causing someone else to steal. So I locked my car and headed back inside to pay for my water and do the right thing. And I felt good. I felt so good I dropped some money in the red kettle on my way out. :)
Well, it's going to be an early morning, so I suppose I should head to bed.
Today I am thankful for God's reminders of His love and presence. On the way home from work it was dark because of rain clouds. But then I saw part of a rainbow and it was so bright and beautiful in the midst of the darkness. I couldn't help but think that even during dark or discouraging or difficult times, God is still there to fulfill His promises to us. We may not see the complete picture (I couldn't see the complete rainbow), but He does and He is faithful.
After work I stopped at Wal-Mart to buy 4 more turkeys for our Thanksgiving boxes that were packed yesterday afternoon. Our small congregation ended up bringing in enough food for 14 boxes to bless some needy families both inside and outside our church. Then me and another lady from church delivered one of the boxes and her husband and mine delivered another one. We had four families stop by the church to pick up their boxes. Then Mike & I delivered one more before going home. The rest of the boxes will be delivered Saturday and Sunday. Such a good feeling to be able to help others.
After a quick bite to eat we went over to New Seasons Church in Spring Valley for instructions for the Block Party we will be helping with tomorrow at their church. We have the 7 - 10:30 AM shift. Ugh! I have to get up EARLY on a Saturday. I'm thinking a nap is going to be part of my day tomorrow afternoon.
I forgot to say yesterday how blessed I was when I saw the video clip of little Zachary reciting John 3:16. How precious! It will be even more special when he comes to understand those words and accepts Jesus as his Savior!
So last night after I thought I was home for the night I ended up having to go to Wal-Mart to pick up a few cans of pumpkin to add to the Thanksgiving boxes and 14 packages of rolls. While I was there I got a case of water and put it on the bottom of the cart. I went to the self-checkout, paid and took everything to my car. As I was putting the bags of rolls and pumpkin in the car I looked down and saw the case of water. Oh no! I forgot to pay for it! Now as I stood there struggling with my conscious I was thinking what difference does it make? I'll just put it in the car and go home; Wal-Mart won't care. I was tired and just wanted to get back home. But then I thought, what if someone's watching me and as soon as I put it in my car they'll swoop down and arrest me. Then I thought, yeah, I'm being watched; God is watching me. I had even contemplated just leaving it on the cart and driving away. At least I wouldn't be stealing it. But, I would be causing someone else to steal. So I locked my car and headed back inside to pay for my water and do the right thing. And I felt good. I felt so good I dropped some money in the red kettle on my way out. :)
Well, it's going to be an early morning, so I suppose I should head to bed.
Today I am thankful for God's reminders of His love and presence. On the way home from work it was dark because of rain clouds. But then I saw part of a rainbow and it was so bright and beautiful in the midst of the darkness. I couldn't help but think that even during dark or discouraging or difficult times, God is still there to fulfill His promises to us. We may not see the complete picture (I couldn't see the complete rainbow), but He does and He is faithful.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
It was a very up day today, which I find surprising since it's only Thursday (and not Friday) and it's been a rainy, chilly day today.
I got up and out of bed with no trouble; no lingering and hitting the snooze button a gazillion times. Showered, dressed, did my hair, did my makeup, made my lunch, got some meat out for dinner, kissed Mike good-bye and headed out the door with my umbrella in hand.
The drive to work was amazingly smooth considering the morning TV news and radio station kept saying how bad everything was on the roads. And, get this, if you don't have to go out today, the best thing to do is stay home. Really?! Am I in Iowa in the midst of a snow storm? I shall never, NEVER, get used to the weather mindset of Californians.
When I got to work I kept talking with my co-worker and finally told her I needed to stop talking and start working. The morning went by pretty fast. Had a meeting at 11:00, then just ate lunch at my desk so I could leave a little earlier today. Then another meeting at 2:30 where one of my co-workers gave me kudos in front of the boss-man. That was pretty neat! :)
Left work around 3:30ish and the traffic was good again (in spite of the weather and traffic reports).
Called Mike on the way home to see how the Thanksgiving box-packing went. It went really well and everything is ready to "just add turkey." The volunteers packed 14 boxes to give to some needy families. Tomorrow morning Mike will pick up the turkeys. The boxes will be delivered between Friday and Sunday.
Came home and put a meatloaf in the oven. Now I'm sitting in my PJ's and relaxing until dinner and then relax again after dinner. Ahhhh, life is good today.
God is good all the time --- and all the time God is good!
Today I'm thankful for my siblings ... Bill, Janet, Donna, Rose Marie, Raymond, and LeRoy.
I got up and out of bed with no trouble; no lingering and hitting the snooze button a gazillion times. Showered, dressed, did my hair, did my makeup, made my lunch, got some meat out for dinner, kissed Mike good-bye and headed out the door with my umbrella in hand.
The drive to work was amazingly smooth considering the morning TV news and radio station kept saying how bad everything was on the roads. And, get this, if you don't have to go out today, the best thing to do is stay home. Really?! Am I in Iowa in the midst of a snow storm? I shall never, NEVER, get used to the weather mindset of Californians.
When I got to work I kept talking with my co-worker and finally told her I needed to stop talking and start working. The morning went by pretty fast. Had a meeting at 11:00, then just ate lunch at my desk so I could leave a little earlier today. Then another meeting at 2:30 where one of my co-workers gave me kudos in front of the boss-man. That was pretty neat! :)
Left work around 3:30ish and the traffic was good again (in spite of the weather and traffic reports).
Called Mike on the way home to see how the Thanksgiving box-packing went. It went really well and everything is ready to "just add turkey." The volunteers packed 14 boxes to give to some needy families. Tomorrow morning Mike will pick up the turkeys. The boxes will be delivered between Friday and Sunday.
Came home and put a meatloaf in the oven. Now I'm sitting in my PJ's and relaxing until dinner and then relax again after dinner. Ahhhh, life is good today.
God is good all the time --- and all the time God is good!
Today I'm thankful for my siblings ... Bill, Janet, Donna, Rose Marie, Raymond, and LeRoy.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Worked half a day today. Left at 1:00 because I had another appointment this afternoon. We had our company Thanksgiving today. It was a catered lunch with turkey, potatoes, vegetables, stuffing, gravy, pumpkin pie and apple pie. No rolls and no cranberries though. I can live without the rolls, but no cranberries?! It was good. We ate outside; it was cool, but the sun was shining.
Tonight I have to get everything ready for the packing of the Thanksgiving boxes tomorrow afternoon for needy people both in our church and others. We have 13 families, so 13 boxes need to be packed up.
Got the green light from Dr. Jeremiah at Shadow Mountain to move ahead with the partnership. Now to see what all the that holds.
Going to the prayer time tonight at church from 7 to 8 and then will come home and sneak in some Survivor before going to bed.
This week is going crazy fast and I don't feel ready for the weekend to come. Starting to feel some stress again. Yikes!
Glad Thanksgiving isn't at our house next week.
Today I'm thankful for my parents: one living in heaven and one living in Cedar Rapids.
Tonight I have to get everything ready for the packing of the Thanksgiving boxes tomorrow afternoon for needy people both in our church and others. We have 13 families, so 13 boxes need to be packed up.
Got the green light from Dr. Jeremiah at Shadow Mountain to move ahead with the partnership. Now to see what all the that holds.
Going to the prayer time tonight at church from 7 to 8 and then will come home and sneak in some Survivor before going to bed.
This week is going crazy fast and I don't feel ready for the weekend to come. Starting to feel some stress again. Yikes!
Glad Thanksgiving isn't at our house next week.
Today I'm thankful for my parents: one living in heaven and one living in Cedar Rapids.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
I will back up briefly and fill you in on yesterday. Mondays are always so hard going back to work. I was so tired driving in and then the morning just seemed to drag. I kept yawning and felt like I couldn't completely wake up. At 9:00 I looked at the clock and was shocked that it was "only" 9:00. I thought I'd never make it through the day. I had packed a couple of clementines and decided I needed a boost and ate those. They seemed to do the trick and I perked up a bit.
After work I came home and prepared dinner and then Mike had the Egyptian couple from church coming over to do some planning for the midweek prayer time they are going to lead. I told him I couldn't be part of it. I was too tired. I went to the bedroom and did my Bible study and then I think I went to sleep at 8:30. I knew I didn't have to get up as early since I wasn't going into work in the morning. I got 10 hours of sleep and it was divine. :)
So today I had an appointment at 9:00 this morning and was debating whether to go into work this afternoon or just take the day off. Well, I decided to take the whole day off, but it wasn't really a day off. I felt so stressed after my appointment that I'm glad I did take the rest of the day off from work, but I also had a lot to accomplish. Just thinking about everything I needed to do was stressing me out as well.
I needed to find boxes to pack 10-15 Thanksgiving boxes for people in our church and community. I wanted the boxes that reams of paper come in so I stopped at Office Depot. They were kinda stingy and would only give me two. The second Office Depot had none. Then I decided to get smart and called Staples. I was shocked to learn that they SELL their boxes. However, I was desperate to get boxes since we are packing the boxes on Thursdays. I already had 6 FREE boxes from work and 2 FREE boxes from Office Depot, but I decided I'd just buy the other 7. I had to go to two Staples stores to get the 7 boxes which cost me $7 + tax. A small price to pay. I then needed to get an oil change, so went to Jiffy Lube. I was informed I had 3 lights out and would I like them to change them. I asked how much and they said 12.99. Total? I asked. No, each. What?! I told them no thanks I could buy them cheaper elsewhere and have my husband put them in. They also informed me I would be needing a new battery soon - like within 3 months. Guess I'll buy my car a new battery next month for Christmas. Haha!
After I got the oil change I thought I might as well go to Auto Zone and pick up the bulbs. They were 11.99 TOTAL for the 3 bulbs. Goodness!
I also had to go to the bank to make a deposit and get gas so I can get to work tomorrow. Then I dropped the boxes off at the church and Mike and I and two other people moved the food collection from the sanctuary to the fellowship hall to be ready for Thursday.
In addition to this running around I ironed, did laundry, cleaned the house (it got neglected this last weekend), made dinner and dyed my hair. Whew, I'm exhausted!
Sorry to say I didn't make it to Bible study tonight. It was the last night before a break until the first of the year.
Can't believe next week is Thanksgiving. Sad that we won't see any of our kids on Thanksgiving Day. Ben & Danielle are staying in Riverside to celebrate with Monte (D's dad) and his parents. They were with us last year ... so the trade-off begins. We might get to see them Black Friday and/or Saturday though.
Today I'm thankful for God's unexpected blessings. Mike's motorcycle has needed a new chain for some time, but the cost of the chain and crank and labor would have been $250 or more. If the chain were to break while he's riding it could cause all kinds of expensive damage to his bike. Today he was informed that the chain and crank are being gifted to him and the labor will only cost $75. PTL!
After work I came home and prepared dinner and then Mike had the Egyptian couple from church coming over to do some planning for the midweek prayer time they are going to lead. I told him I couldn't be part of it. I was too tired. I went to the bedroom and did my Bible study and then I think I went to sleep at 8:30. I knew I didn't have to get up as early since I wasn't going into work in the morning. I got 10 hours of sleep and it was divine. :)
So today I had an appointment at 9:00 this morning and was debating whether to go into work this afternoon or just take the day off. Well, I decided to take the whole day off, but it wasn't really a day off. I felt so stressed after my appointment that I'm glad I did take the rest of the day off from work, but I also had a lot to accomplish. Just thinking about everything I needed to do was stressing me out as well.
I needed to find boxes to pack 10-15 Thanksgiving boxes for people in our church and community. I wanted the boxes that reams of paper come in so I stopped at Office Depot. They were kinda stingy and would only give me two. The second Office Depot had none. Then I decided to get smart and called Staples. I was shocked to learn that they SELL their boxes. However, I was desperate to get boxes since we are packing the boxes on Thursdays. I already had 6 FREE boxes from work and 2 FREE boxes from Office Depot, but I decided I'd just buy the other 7. I had to go to two Staples stores to get the 7 boxes which cost me $7 + tax. A small price to pay. I then needed to get an oil change, so went to Jiffy Lube. I was informed I had 3 lights out and would I like them to change them. I asked how much and they said 12.99. Total? I asked. No, each. What?! I told them no thanks I could buy them cheaper elsewhere and have my husband put them in. They also informed me I would be needing a new battery soon - like within 3 months. Guess I'll buy my car a new battery next month for Christmas. Haha!
After I got the oil change I thought I might as well go to Auto Zone and pick up the bulbs. They were 11.99 TOTAL for the 3 bulbs. Goodness!
I also had to go to the bank to make a deposit and get gas so I can get to work tomorrow. Then I dropped the boxes off at the church and Mike and I and two other people moved the food collection from the sanctuary to the fellowship hall to be ready for Thursday.
In addition to this running around I ironed, did laundry, cleaned the house (it got neglected this last weekend), made dinner and dyed my hair. Whew, I'm exhausted!
Sorry to say I didn't make it to Bible study tonight. It was the last night before a break until the first of the year.
Can't believe next week is Thanksgiving. Sad that we won't see any of our kids on Thanksgiving Day. Ben & Danielle are staying in Riverside to celebrate with Monte (D's dad) and his parents. They were with us last year ... so the trade-off begins. We might get to see them Black Friday and/or Saturday though.
Today I'm thankful for God's unexpected blessings. Mike's motorcycle has needed a new chain for some time, but the cost of the chain and crank and labor would have been $250 or more. If the chain were to break while he's riding it could cause all kinds of expensive damage to his bike. Today he was informed that the chain and crank are being gifted to him and the labor will only cost $75. PTL!
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Despite being out most of the day it's been a rather lazy Sunday. Went to church and then afterwards went out to eat with one of the deacons and his wife; they are dear friends. Ended up not getting home until after 4:00. I was really tired, but ended up finishing a Hallmark movie - "A Bride for Christmas". It was pretty good. I also really liked "The Christmas Ornament" from last night. Talked to my mom, my sister Janet and my sister-in-law to hear about some family drama.
Then I started to watch tonight's episode of Amazing Race and realized that somehow I'd missed last Sunday's episode. Don't know what happened or why I didn't realize it sooner. So, of course, I couldn't watch tonight's episode. I got online and watched last week's tonight and will watch tonight's tomorrow. (Janet -- you can still watch tonight's episode tomorrow online.)
Now I feel so tired that I must head to bed because it's going to be a long week. Good night!
Today I'm thankful for John & Sharon's friendship.
Then I started to watch tonight's episode of Amazing Race and realized that somehow I'd missed last Sunday's episode. Don't know what happened or why I didn't realize it sooner. So, of course, I couldn't watch tonight's episode. I got online and watched last week's tonight and will watch tonight's tomorrow. (Janet -- you can still watch tonight's episode tomorrow online.)
Now I feel so tired that I must head to bed because it's going to be a long week. Good night!
Today I'm thankful for John & Sharon's friendship.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
This morning I got up and got ready to drive to Costa Mesa for a craft show. It's an hour and a half drive, so for part of the drive I talked to Janet. That always passes the time. Then as I got closer to my destination I got a little turned around. How appropriate since I was "with" my sister. Getting lost together. Haha! So I had to hang up so I could pay more attention to my driving. I've been to this craft show a couple of other times and both those times I took the wrong exit too. There's something about it that the GPS doesn't get. I found a couple of things to buy, but again, California craft shows just aren't the Midwest. Sigh
It was very crowded and I just slowly strolled my way through. After I was done I decided to go to Hobby Lobby on the way home. That means I had to drive north to Riverside before heading south to Temecula. A little crazy (and slightly out of the way), but that's okay because it was "my" day. So I wandered through Hobby Lobby and enjoyed exploring since I haven't been there for awhile. Didn't buy anything though. I did leave feeling kind of sad because it's always more fun when I'm with Janet. Oh well.
I got home around 4:30 and found my husband sleeping in the recliner. I felt like taking a nap too, but didn't. Fixed some dinner and now I'm watching "A Very Merry Mix-Up" - last week's Hallmark movie. I can't say I've been overly impressed with the new movies so far this season. Mike thinks they hired Schroeder to play the piano background in these movies. I think I have to agree. :)
It was very crowded and I just slowly strolled my way through. After I was done I decided to go to Hobby Lobby on the way home. That means I had to drive north to Riverside before heading south to Temecula. A little crazy (and slightly out of the way), but that's okay because it was "my" day. So I wandered through Hobby Lobby and enjoyed exploring since I haven't been there for awhile. Didn't buy anything though. I did leave feeling kind of sad because it's always more fun when I'm with Janet. Oh well.
I got home around 4:30 and found my husband sleeping in the recliner. I felt like taking a nap too, but didn't. Fixed some dinner and now I'm watching "A Very Merry Mix-Up" - last week's Hallmark movie. I can't say I've been overly impressed with the new movies so far this season. Mike thinks they hired Schroeder to play the piano background in these movies. I think I have to agree. :)
Friday, November 15, 2013
Today it looked and felt like an Iowa Fall day. Cold, blustery and sprinkling. Brrrr!
J And yesterday was sunny and in the 80’s. Strange.
Mike had to take "my" car (the Buick) in to get one of the windows repaired. On Sunday the back window on the passenger side decided to fall halfway open all by itself and when I tried to use the button to close it it didn't work. So then I'd get out and open the front door on that side of the car and with one hand on the outside and one on the inside I'd lift the window back up. But when I'd drive it would fall down again. We finally taped it to keep it up because you can't just go places and park your car and have a window down. I haven't had time to take it in, so he did it for me today. I was very grateful. However, I'm not even going to think about what it cost. Ridiculous! I still don't understand why it broke because I hardly ever open the back windows.
On a brighter side today went by fast! I don’t know why it is, but Fridays seem to go faster than
any other day of the week. Maybe it’s
because I feel more energetic -- and all because it’s Friday! J
The rest of the week can’t move fast enough, but I love Fridays!
Tonight we went to a banquet at Shadow Mountain Church for the Southern California Seminary. One of Deacons from our church and his wife came with us as well as another couple from our church who are from Egypt. We enjoyed some great music by 5 siblings who play violins, bass and cello. After dinner we heard a message from the President of the Southern Baptist Convention; he's the first African American president of the convention. His message was excellent, but I was exhausted trying to listen to him because he spoke so fast! Haha!
Today I’m thankful for my sweet, loving, most precious in the
whole wide world grandson Zachary. He brings so much joy to our lives! Just wish we lived closer.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
I can tell I'm on the downhill side of the week and it feels good. Good day at work today and was glad to be off by 3:30 to go for my haircut. I like a nice fresh haircut, but now the gray is showing through and I'll need to color it this weekend.
On the way home I talked with Ben and then when I got home Mike was talking to Heidi, so I got to talk to her for awhile too. Next month Mike will be going to Tacoma, WA for a class at Faith Seminary for his doctoral program and he will get to see Andy and Mackenzie. We were hoping that we would be able to go to their place for Thanksgiving this year, but unfortunately it's not happening. We can't afford a trip this month for two and then a trip for Mike next month. Plus, with all that's happening at the church it wouldn't be a good time anyway. I'm determined to try to go up to Washington sometime after the first of the year to see them. We'll see how that plays out. I know my sisters and I want to take Mom on a birthday trip to Branson next year and that will be either in March or April. When you start thinking about plans for different things it's crazy how fast the year fills up. And then not knowing whether it will all happen or not.
Sitting here watching X Factor and then will watch Survivor since I missed a last night. Then it'll be off to bed for me.
Today I'm thankful for my son-in-law Jeff and my daughter-in-law Mackenzie and my future daughter-in-law Danielle. I couldn't be happier that my kids have found mates who love them and care for them (almost as much as their Mama does. I suppose they might find that would be debatable. :)
I've never met Alisha's husband David, but I'm thankful that he loves her and takes care of her.
On the way home I talked with Ben and then when I got home Mike was talking to Heidi, so I got to talk to her for awhile too. Next month Mike will be going to Tacoma, WA for a class at Faith Seminary for his doctoral program and he will get to see Andy and Mackenzie. We were hoping that we would be able to go to their place for Thanksgiving this year, but unfortunately it's not happening. We can't afford a trip this month for two and then a trip for Mike next month. Plus, with all that's happening at the church it wouldn't be a good time anyway. I'm determined to try to go up to Washington sometime after the first of the year to see them. We'll see how that plays out. I know my sisters and I want to take Mom on a birthday trip to Branson next year and that will be either in March or April. When you start thinking about plans for different things it's crazy how fast the year fills up. And then not knowing whether it will all happen or not.
Sitting here watching X Factor and then will watch Survivor since I missed a last night. Then it'll be off to bed for me.
Today I'm thankful for my son-in-law Jeff and my daughter-in-law Mackenzie and my future daughter-in-law Danielle. I couldn't be happier that my kids have found mates who love them and care for them (almost as much as their Mama does. I suppose they might find that would be debatable. :)
I've never met Alisha's husband David, but I'm thankful that he loves her and takes care of her.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
I got off work at 5:30 tonight and it's been a loooooonnnnnggg day! It was strange driving home in the dark and I must say I don't like driving in the dark with all those headlights and taillights glaring at me. It made me dizzy at times. I fought my way through the traffic and finally got to Wal-Mart at 6:15 so I could shop for the Men's Breakfast that's this Saturday at the church. Got the groceries and called Mike to meet me at the church so I could drop everything off and not have to worry about where to put it all at home. Whew!
Finally got home around 7:15 and I'm so glad I had a roast in the crockpot. I decided to just shred it and put it on buns tonight. Good decision! And, I used paper plates! :)
Mike has been sharing with me about the HUGE things that will be happening with our church as we start to become a ministry center. He is feeling somewhat overwhelmed right now. A lot of decisions need to be made in the next couple of months. There will be adjustments and sacrifice of personal preferences for everyone. Praying for a smooth and God-honoring transition.
Well, after my 10 hour day at work, I think I definitely deserve to have a haircut tomorrow - I love when they wash my hair and massage my head; I deserve the banquet Friday night; and I deserve the craft show on Saturday. Haha! :)
Today I'm thankful for our children: Heidi, Andy, Ben & Alisha; thankful they all love the Lord and try to live their lives accordingly.
Finally got home around 7:15 and I'm so glad I had a roast in the crockpot. I decided to just shred it and put it on buns tonight. Good decision! And, I used paper plates! :)
Mike has been sharing with me about the HUGE things that will be happening with our church as we start to become a ministry center. He is feeling somewhat overwhelmed right now. A lot of decisions need to be made in the next couple of months. There will be adjustments and sacrifice of personal preferences for everyone. Praying for a smooth and God-honoring transition.
Well, after my 10 hour day at work, I think I definitely deserve to have a haircut tomorrow - I love when they wash my hair and massage my head; I deserve the banquet Friday night; and I deserve the craft show on Saturday. Haha! :)
Today I'm thankful for our children: Heidi, Andy, Ben & Alisha; thankful they all love the Lord and try to live their lives accordingly.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
I'm back on track again with my blog. Went to work today and then to Bible study tonight. We're going through the the Book of Hebrews using Kay Arthur's Precepts. It's not an easy course, but it's good. We have one more class next Tuesday before our break until after the first of the year. Four of us from New Seasons decided to attend a Bible study at another church. We meet from 6:30 to 7:30. After class I stood around with two other ladies from my church and we talked for an hour.
Now I'm home and making plans to head to bed as I think about what's going on the rest of this week. I need to go grocery shopping after work tomorrow and buy the food for the men's breakfast this Saturday at the church. It's the first one and it's exciting to see this started. Thursday I get my hair cut. Friday the Southern California Seminary is having a Fall Banquet that we are attending with two other couples from our church. Saturday I'm heading to Costa Mesa to a craft show.
Recently a couple from Egypt started attending our church and they just want to serve wherever they can. Today they told Mike they wanted to become members. Mike is busy with meetings and lunches and planning for the future of our church. These are exciting days we're heading into.
Today I am thankful that God is good ... all the time!
Now I'm home and making plans to head to bed as I think about what's going on the rest of this week. I need to go grocery shopping after work tomorrow and buy the food for the men's breakfast this Saturday at the church. It's the first one and it's exciting to see this started. Thursday I get my hair cut. Friday the Southern California Seminary is having a Fall Banquet that we are attending with two other couples from our church. Saturday I'm heading to Costa Mesa to a craft show.
Recently a couple from Egypt started attending our church and they just want to serve wherever they can. Today they told Mike they wanted to become members. Mike is busy with meetings and lunches and planning for the future of our church. These are exciting days we're heading into.
Today I am thankful that God is good ... all the time!
Okay, this is my official Monday blog. Yesterday I had seen on Facebook that Olive Garden was giving a free meal to Vets. I was excited, but at the same time skeptical because so much you read online is a scam. So on the way home from work I called one of the Olive Gardens to find out. I was pleased to know it was true. I tried to call Mike and let him know we were going out to eat, because why would I cook with a deal like that?
We got over to the Olive Garden and had to wait an hour before being seated, but that was okay. We enjoyed our meal including some FRESHLY made garlic sticks. Oh so good! I had the Venetian Apricot Chicken and Mike had some beef and Portobello mushroom pasta dish. We basically got a $40 meal total for $25 (which included the tip). :) YAY!
By the time we got home from the restaurant I knew I needed to finish my Bible study lesson before Tuesday's Bible study, so I sat down and did that. All the while I was thinking that I needed to get my blog done. But, alas, my bed called my name before I got to my computer. So, even though this is a day late, I will count it as not really missed because I put God's Word first. :)
Monday I was thankful for those who have served and are serving to keep us free and safe.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Today has been an exciting day at New Seasons Church of El Cajon. We are about to turn a major corner. We had several visitors today which great to see. We had our Thanksgiving fellowship dinner after church. Mike's mom came over today and I was sitting with her and another lady, Pat, from our church. Pat and I noticed there were a lot of people still coming through the line for food and she asked me who they all were. I told her I didn't have a clue. Seemed like people kept multiplying, but we had enough food for everyone.
Then while people were eating dessert Mike and the Deacons presented to the church an exciting opportunity that is coming to New Seasons Church. Shadow Mountain Church, a mega church in El Cajon and part of the Southern Baptist Association, has an International Ministry Center in El Cajon and they are going to sell because the overhead costs are too much. Well, that ministry center houses several different churches (Hispanic, Arabic, etc.) and now those churches need to find a new place to meet. Mike was approached by one of the pastors about whether our church would be open to the Arab church meeting in our building as well as being used for ESL classes. Mike met with some men at Shadow, and then he met with his Deacons, and then the men from Shadow came to meet with the Deacons at our church. The Deacons are all very favorable and when it was presented to the church today is was met with overall approval. Even one of the ladies we weren't sure how she'd respond was excited. It's so great to see such a positive response to this whole idea.
In addition, our church has been approved for a government funded after school snack program Things are really moving forward and we can't wait to see what God has in store for our little church.
Today I'm thankful for a relaxing Sunday afternoon to reflect on God's goodness.
Then while people were eating dessert Mike and the Deacons presented to the church an exciting opportunity that is coming to New Seasons Church. Shadow Mountain Church, a mega church in El Cajon and part of the Southern Baptist Association, has an International Ministry Center in El Cajon and they are going to sell because the overhead costs are too much. Well, that ministry center houses several different churches (Hispanic, Arabic, etc.) and now those churches need to find a new place to meet. Mike was approached by one of the pastors about whether our church would be open to the Arab church meeting in our building as well as being used for ESL classes. Mike met with some men at Shadow, and then he met with his Deacons, and then the men from Shadow came to meet with the Deacons at our church. The Deacons are all very favorable and when it was presented to the church today is was met with overall approval. Even one of the ladies we weren't sure how she'd respond was excited. It's so great to see such a positive response to this whole idea.
In addition, our church has been approved for a government funded after school snack program Things are really moving forward and we can't wait to see what God has in store for our little church.
Today I'm thankful for a relaxing Sunday afternoon to reflect on God's goodness.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
* Got up and typed up a song sheet for Mike to take to his CMA (Christian Motorcycle Assoc) meeting this morning.
* Exercised.
* Took a shower.
* Spent 45 minutes and called 13 (yes, 13!) Michael's stores between San Diego and Temecula looking for an item Ben & Danielle were going to use at their reception. Not one of the 13 had it. Glad I decided to call and not drive to every one of them!
* Went to Family Christian Store to buy some certificates and look around. Also bought some Christmas ornaments.
* Went to Taco Bell for lunch. I think I've lived too long in CA and had some really good tacos that Taco Bell just doesn't cut it anymore. In fact, is that really meat in their tacos? Had heartburn afterwards.
* Treated myself to a mani/pedi. :)
* Went to Wal-Mart.
* Came home and watched a Christmas movie.
* Made dinner.
* Ate dinner.
* Created the worship Power Point for tomorrow.
* Wrote my blog for the day.
* Exercised - while watching another Christmas movie.
* Went to bed!
* Exercised.
* Took a shower.
* Spent 45 minutes and called 13 (yes, 13!) Michael's stores between San Diego and Temecula looking for an item Ben & Danielle were going to use at their reception. Not one of the 13 had it. Glad I decided to call and not drive to every one of them!
* Went to Family Christian Store to buy some certificates and look around. Also bought some Christmas ornaments.
* Went to Taco Bell for lunch. I think I've lived too long in CA and had some really good tacos that Taco Bell just doesn't cut it anymore. In fact, is that really meat in their tacos? Had heartburn afterwards.
* Treated myself to a mani/pedi. :)
* Went to Wal-Mart.
* Came home and watched a Christmas movie.
* Made dinner.
* Ate dinner.
* Created the worship Power Point for tomorrow.
* Wrote my blog for the day.
* Exercised - while watching another Christmas movie.
* Went to bed!
Friday, November 8, 2013
and then headed home briefly before going to a funeral this
After the funeral we came home - briefly - and then headed to
downtown San Diego. Tonight was a dinner cruise on the Lord Hornblower ... a gift to church planters from NAMB (North American Mission Board).
As we got closer to downtown it was getting foggier and foggier. We parked the car and then hiked to the pier. It was a 15 minute walk. We weren't sure if the ship would actually cruise because of the fog, but after boarding it wasn't long before the fog started to lift and we set out. I was feeling queezy as we started to move. As long as I didn't look out the windows I was fine. But watching the pier move in the opposite direction as the ship moved made me a bit dizzy. Once we were out in the bay it wasn't as bad unless the ship was turning and then I'd feel nauseous again. At times I couldn't tell if we were going forward or backward even though we were always going forward. Such an illusion! Made me feel ill!
The meal was excellent. I had chicken and Mike had steak. The other option was salmon. For dessert we had cheesecake. Mmmm Mmmmm! Let me tell you, I saved most of my calories for tonight's meal. There was music and dancing and it was fun to watch. A guy even proposed on board.
The fellowship was great too. The stomach was glad to get back on dry land.
As we were making our 15 minute hike back to the parking lot around 10:15, there were less and less people around. We saw a homeless person wrapped in blankets sleeping and several other questionable people. However, as we got a little closer to the parking lot two girls were running toward the pier where the ferry docks. When they got there they found out they had missed the boat ... literally! We heard them say "How are we going to get back?!" I asked them what was going on and they explained they had missed the last ferry back to Coronado. So we told them we would take them back. There was no way I was going to leave to young girls alone at 10:30 at night. They agreed to let us take them and Mike told them we had just been on a dinner cruise with the San Diego Southern Baptist Association so we were safe. HaHa!
As we got to the car and got in I went into Mom-mode and told them I sure hope if we were two guys you would not have accepted a ride. Anyway we got them back to their home in Coronado safe and sound. However, these were two cute little sophomore girls. What parents allow this?! I was glad we came along and that they trusted us to help them.
Now we are home and my bed is definitely calling me, but I had to blog before the day was out. I have 3 minutes until midnight.
Today I'm thankful that we were in the right place at the right time to be able to help Kayla and Carly.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
I am not feeling good at all. I will be in bed early tonight. I hope I'm not coming down with something. Tomorrow we have a funeral at 2:00 and then at 6:30 Mike and I will board the Hornblower for a dinner cruise. Looking forward to it, but I must feel better.
Today I am thankful for God's amazing answers to prayer. He answers in ways we could never have expected.
Today I am thankful for God's amazing answers to prayer. He answers in ways we could never have expected.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
I think "Hump Day" is the hardest day of the week ... next to Mondays. :) I always feel like it should be Thursday instead of Wednesday and because it isn't it makes the week feel longer. Today felt longer, but I made it through. I think I sleep at night, but I'm not resting. Does that make sense?
Tonight I went to a CPR/First Aid class. It went from 6:00 to 9:30 (was supposed to be 10, but we finished early --- YEAH!). It was good and I'm glad I now am certified again.
So, since it's 10:16 right now I am going to bed. Sorry my life is so boring.
Today I'm thankful for a husband who doesn't give up.
Tonight I went to a CPR/First Aid class. It went from 6:00 to 9:30 (was supposed to be 10, but we finished early --- YEAH!). It was good and I'm glad I now am certified again.
So, since it's 10:16 right now I am going to bed. Sorry my life is so boring.
Today I'm thankful for a husband who doesn't give up.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
I did not want to get up this morning. This time change is taking a toll on me. Usually it doesn't bother me so much.
It was another crazy drive into work, but the day went well and now I'm glad to be home. It's definitely feeling Fall-ish tonight with cool temps and I just don't think I want to go out now that I'm home, so I'm going to skip Bible study tonight. I have to be out tomorrow night for a class and this body is rebelling. Mike has a meeting tonight at the church, so I think I will veg out and maybe just go to bed early. Sounds like a good plan to me.
Today I'm thankful for our own place to call home.
It was another crazy drive into work, but the day went well and now I'm glad to be home. It's definitely feeling Fall-ish tonight with cool temps and I just don't think I want to go out now that I'm home, so I'm going to skip Bible study tonight. I have to be out tomorrow night for a class and this body is rebelling. Mike has a meeting tonight at the church, so I think I will veg out and maybe just go to bed early. Sounds like a good plan to me.
Today I'm thankful for our own place to call home.
Monday, November 4, 2013
My day started out at 5 AM and I wished I could sleep longer. The traffic was horrendous going in to work and it made me feel more tired. However, I did manage to wake up and the morning went by quickly. I always like when the workday moves fast.
I got off work at 3:30 and knew I needed to head quickly to one of the many Wal-Mart stores so I could buy two turkeys. This coming Sunday is our monthly fellowship dinner at church and we decided to go with a Thanksgiving dinner. One of the ladies in the church will cook both turkeys, but I needed to buy them and take them to her. I arrived at Wal-Mart at 4:15. Of course, I had to buy a few things for myself too. However, you would have thought it was Thanksgiving Eve with the number of people who were at the stores and the empty shelves.
I left Wal-Mart and drove to Pat's house to drop off the turkeys. I helped her carry them into her house and then she wanted to talk. Oh my. I really didn't have time, but of course, I wasn't rude and did stay and talk or awhile. Finally was on my way home and got home at 5:15. When I got home Mike wanted to know what was for dinner. I told him it smelled like he'd already made something. He said he cooked some sausages on the grill, but would like something to go with them. Groan! So I through some Potatoes O'Brian in a skillet and made a salad. While the potatoes were frying I ran a load of laundry and helped Mike change one of the porch light bulbs. WHEW!
Back in the house I served up the bacon - uh, I mean, the sausage, potatoes and salad. I myself decided I just wanted a shake (meal replacement). You see, I was in a hurry because I knew Mike had to be back at church before 6:30 because all this week the church will be open for 2 hours each night for people to come in for prayer. I myself was waiting for a lady - her name is Margrit - from church to pick me up after she got off work so we could go visit another lady (Ellen) who is in a care center recuperating from a punctured lung. Neither Margrit or I know Ellen that well, so it was good to have each other.
We had a nice visit with Ellen and hopefully brought some encouragement to her and her husband (Geno) who I work with. Apparently this care center is not for just short term recovery/therapy, but also long term care. We met a lady who has been there for 5 years because she had a stroke and her children "don't love her." That's what she told us. How sad! Geno said he met a man who has lived there for 14 years! Ellen said it can be a depressing place. The good thing, I told her, is that she knows she doesn't have to stay and that she will be able to go home. However, Ellen is also an alcoholic and we are all praying she will be willing to get help the help she needs for that. She says she doesn't want to drink, but because she doesn't work, doesn't have a purpose in life and has a low self-esteem, she easily falls off the wagon. So we continue to pray for her.
I also enjoyed visiting with Margrit tonight and getting to know her a little better. Got home around 7:30 and I'm in my jams, watching a Christimas movie (what else?) and waiting for Mike to come home. Will be in bed soon.
Today I'm thankful for friendship - both old and new.
I got off work at 3:30 and knew I needed to head quickly to one of the many Wal-Mart stores so I could buy two turkeys. This coming Sunday is our monthly fellowship dinner at church and we decided to go with a Thanksgiving dinner. One of the ladies in the church will cook both turkeys, but I needed to buy them and take them to her. I arrived at Wal-Mart at 4:15. Of course, I had to buy a few things for myself too. However, you would have thought it was Thanksgiving Eve with the number of people who were at the stores and the empty shelves.
I left Wal-Mart and drove to Pat's house to drop off the turkeys. I helped her carry them into her house and then she wanted to talk. Oh my. I really didn't have time, but of course, I wasn't rude and did stay and talk or awhile. Finally was on my way home and got home at 5:15. When I got home Mike wanted to know what was for dinner. I told him it smelled like he'd already made something. He said he cooked some sausages on the grill, but would like something to go with them. Groan! So I through some Potatoes O'Brian in a skillet and made a salad. While the potatoes were frying I ran a load of laundry and helped Mike change one of the porch light bulbs. WHEW!
Back in the house I served up the bacon - uh, I mean, the sausage, potatoes and salad. I myself decided I just wanted a shake (meal replacement). You see, I was in a hurry because I knew Mike had to be back at church before 6:30 because all this week the church will be open for 2 hours each night for people to come in for prayer. I myself was waiting for a lady - her name is Margrit - from church to pick me up after she got off work so we could go visit another lady (Ellen) who is in a care center recuperating from a punctured lung. Neither Margrit or I know Ellen that well, so it was good to have each other.
We had a nice visit with Ellen and hopefully brought some encouragement to her and her husband (Geno) who I work with. Apparently this care center is not for just short term recovery/therapy, but also long term care. We met a lady who has been there for 5 years because she had a stroke and her children "don't love her." That's what she told us. How sad! Geno said he met a man who has lived there for 14 years! Ellen said it can be a depressing place. The good thing, I told her, is that she knows she doesn't have to stay and that she will be able to go home. However, Ellen is also an alcoholic and we are all praying she will be willing to get help the help she needs for that. She says she doesn't want to drink, but because she doesn't work, doesn't have a purpose in life and has a low self-esteem, she easily falls off the wagon. So we continue to pray for her.
I also enjoyed visiting with Margrit tonight and getting to know her a little better. Got home around 7:30 and I'm in my jams, watching a Christimas movie (what else?) and waiting for Mike to come home. Will be in bed soon.
Today I'm thankful for friendship - both old and new.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
It was so nice to have that extra hour of sleep. I do love it. :) However, now it's 5:38 and extremely dark outside. That I do not love.
Had a good day at church today. It was a day of celebration when a young mom was baptized today. But it was also a day of sadness because one of our older ladies passed away last Wednesday. Her husband was at church and it was good to see him after being away so many weeks. He has had some time to work through knowing she would be going home to Heaven, but it will still be hard for him. The funeral will be this coming Friday.
It's going to be a very busy week. (Sigh) It's been a busy weekend. I feel like there's no time to just veg out. I need a "me" day, but don't know when that will happen. I'm hoping to go to a craft show in a couple of weekends, but I'm afraid something will come up to keep me from it. Guess I'll just have to wait and see.
Today I'm thankful for a loving church family.
Had a good day at church today. It was a day of celebration when a young mom was baptized today. But it was also a day of sadness because one of our older ladies passed away last Wednesday. Her husband was at church and it was good to see him after being away so many weeks. He has had some time to work through knowing she would be going home to Heaven, but it will still be hard for him. The funeral will be this coming Friday.
It's going to be a very busy week. (Sigh) It's been a busy weekend. I feel like there's no time to just veg out. I need a "me" day, but don't know when that will happen. I'm hoping to go to a craft show in a couple of weekends, but I'm afraid something will come up to keep me from it. Guess I'll just have to wait and see.
Today I'm thankful for a loving church family.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
This morning I got up and got ready to head out to Corona for the day. It ended up being a longer day than I anticipated. My purpose for going was helping Ben repaint his apartment and clean it before the walk through next Tuesday. He had one wall painted green and it needed to be painted back. I had asked him to have everything cleared out before today and he did pretty good with that. However, I also asked him to have the paint when I got there. Well, he found out what color/brand he needed, but said he was too busy to get it bought!
So I arrived at Danielle's at 9:40 and picked the "kids" up. We went to Sherwin Williams and Ben bought the paint he needed. Then over to the apartment we went and got everything set up to paint. I was really glad I had a lot of the painting supplies already, so there was no cost for brushes, rollers, plastic, tape, etc. Ben and Danielle proceeded to paint while I vacuumed the bedroom and dusted. Then I wiped down shelves in the closets and bathroom and cleaned the bathroom. Whew! By that time the kids had pretty much finished and we decided to head out for some lunch.
Where to eat, where to eat? Danielle suggested Subway, but Ben and I didn't want that. Ben suggested Chick-fil-A. Danielle didn't want that. I told her we could stop at Subway for her and Ben and I would get something else, but she didn't want to do that. So we agreed on Taco Bell. When we got there it was really busy and after Ben used the restroom we decided to go to Miguel's. It was pretty good. Then back to the apartment for a second coat of paint.
Danielle wasn't feeling well (Pray for Danielle. She struggles with anxiety and has been having some bad bouts with it recently.), so she went over to her mom's apartment to rest. Ben cleaned the fridge and kitchen while I applied a second coat of paint ... up 'til I couldn't reach anymore. Then we traded places and Ben finished painting and I finished cleaning. :)
We finally got all our supplies moved out and put back in the car and we finished by vacuuming the floors and then mopping them. It all looked pretty great when we finished. I don't see any reason why he shouldn't get his deposit back; it's clean and there's no damage.
Now I know you're all wondering why Ben is moving ... again. Well, since Danielle's parents are getting a divorce, Charla moved out and now lives in the same apartment complex that Ben lives in. Monte suggested that Ben should get out of his lease and move into the house with him and Danielle and put some money away before they're married next year. So that's why he's moving.
After taking Ben and Danielle back to her house, I got on the road to head back home about 4:50 this afternoon. Even though it's an hour and a half drive, it's really not bad. I get to listen to Christian radio while in the Corona/Riverside area. We have VERY POOR Christian radio in San Diego, so most of the time all I'm able to listen to is secular music. I have a favorite station in SD that plays light rock, but the other day I discovered an easy listening station and it's a nice alternative.
After a quick stop in Santee for a couple of things at Wal-Mart, I made it home a little after 7:00. Now I sit watching Christmas movies and relaxing and I'm sooooooo glad I get to set my clocks back an hour!
Today I'm thankful for a safe journey to and from Corona/Riverside.
So I arrived at Danielle's at 9:40 and picked the "kids" up. We went to Sherwin Williams and Ben bought the paint he needed. Then over to the apartment we went and got everything set up to paint. I was really glad I had a lot of the painting supplies already, so there was no cost for brushes, rollers, plastic, tape, etc. Ben and Danielle proceeded to paint while I vacuumed the bedroom and dusted. Then I wiped down shelves in the closets and bathroom and cleaned the bathroom. Whew! By that time the kids had pretty much finished and we decided to head out for some lunch.
Where to eat, where to eat? Danielle suggested Subway, but Ben and I didn't want that. Ben suggested Chick-fil-A. Danielle didn't want that. I told her we could stop at Subway for her and Ben and I would get something else, but she didn't want to do that. So we agreed on Taco Bell. When we got there it was really busy and after Ben used the restroom we decided to go to Miguel's. It was pretty good. Then back to the apartment for a second coat of paint.
Danielle wasn't feeling well (Pray for Danielle. She struggles with anxiety and has been having some bad bouts with it recently.), so she went over to her mom's apartment to rest. Ben cleaned the fridge and kitchen while I applied a second coat of paint ... up 'til I couldn't reach anymore. Then we traded places and Ben finished painting and I finished cleaning. :)
We finally got all our supplies moved out and put back in the car and we finished by vacuuming the floors and then mopping them. It all looked pretty great when we finished. I don't see any reason why he shouldn't get his deposit back; it's clean and there's no damage.
Now I know you're all wondering why Ben is moving ... again. Well, since Danielle's parents are getting a divorce, Charla moved out and now lives in the same apartment complex that Ben lives in. Monte suggested that Ben should get out of his lease and move into the house with him and Danielle and put some money away before they're married next year. So that's why he's moving.
After taking Ben and Danielle back to her house, I got on the road to head back home about 4:50 this afternoon. Even though it's an hour and a half drive, it's really not bad. I get to listen to Christian radio while in the Corona/Riverside area. We have VERY POOR Christian radio in San Diego, so most of the time all I'm able to listen to is secular music. I have a favorite station in SD that plays light rock, but the other day I discovered an easy listening station and it's a nice alternative.
After a quick stop in Santee for a couple of things at Wal-Mart, I made it home a little after 7:00. Now I sit watching Christmas movies and relaxing and I'm sooooooo glad I get to set my clocks back an hour!
Today I'm thankful for a safe journey to and from Corona/Riverside.
Friday, November 1, 2013
So, today begins another National Blog Month challenge. I will begin my journey and see how far I get.
I can't believe we're already in the 11th month of this year and that soon the year will close and a new one will once again begin. This has been quite a busy year and perhaps throughout this month of blogging I'll do some reminiscing to see just how far and what the Lord has brought me through so far in 2013.
Today I was enjoying the weather in San Diego, but missing the color and crispness of Iowa. I am definitely an Iowa girl through and through. Someday maybe I'll go back to stay, but for now the Lord has brought Mike and I to California on our journey of serving Him. I am learning to be content.
Today I am thankful for God's grace and mercy in my life.
I can't believe we're already in the 11th month of this year and that soon the year will close and a new one will once again begin. This has been quite a busy year and perhaps throughout this month of blogging I'll do some reminiscing to see just how far and what the Lord has brought me through so far in 2013.
Today I was enjoying the weather in San Diego, but missing the color and crispness of Iowa. I am definitely an Iowa girl through and through. Someday maybe I'll go back to stay, but for now the Lord has brought Mike and I to California on our journey of serving Him. I am learning to be content.
Today I am thankful for God's grace and mercy in my life.
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