Wednesday, November 13, 2013


I got off work at 5:30 tonight and it's been a loooooonnnnnggg day!  It was strange driving home in the dark and I must say I don't like driving in the dark with all those headlights and taillights glaring at me. It made me dizzy at times. I fought my way through the traffic and finally got to Wal-Mart at 6:15 so I could shop for the Men's Breakfast that's this Saturday at the church.  Got the groceries and called Mike to meet me at the church so I could drop everything off and not have to worry about where to put it all at home.  Whew!
Finally got home around 7:15 and I'm so glad I had a roast in the crockpot.  I decided to just shred it and put it on buns tonight. Good decision! And, I used paper plates!  :)
Mike has been sharing with me about the HUGE things that will be happening with our church as we start to become a ministry center.  He is feeling somewhat overwhelmed right now. A lot of decisions need to be made in the next couple of months.  There will be adjustments and sacrifice of personal preferences for everyone.  Praying for a smooth and God-honoring transition.
Well, after my 10 hour day at work, I think I definitely deserve to have a haircut tomorrow - I love when they wash my hair and massage my head; I deserve the banquet Friday night; and I deserve the craft show on Saturday.  Haha!  :)
Today I'm thankful for our children: Heidi, Andy, Ben & Alisha; thankful they all love the Lord and try to live their lives accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. You deserve some Jeanne time for sure! Sounds like you have some major things coming at your church sounds exciting and scary at the same time, but I know God will walk each step of the way with you :) enjoy your Jeanne time :) love you
