Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I think "Hump Day" is the hardest day of the week ... next to Mondays.  :)  I always feel like it should be Thursday instead of Wednesday and because it isn't it makes the week feel longer.  Today felt longer, but I made it through.  I think I sleep at night, but I'm not resting.  Does that make sense?
Tonight I went to a CPR/First Aid class.  It went from 6:00 to 9:30 (was supposed to be 10, but we finished early --- YEAH!).  It was good and I'm glad I now am certified again.
So, since it's 10:16 right now I am going to bed.  Sorry my life is so boring.
Today I'm thankful for a husband who doesn't give up.


  1. Yesterday was a tough one. I had 13 kids at the Y...the most I've had since spring. Ugh! Plus I was just grouchy. Here's to a better Thursday!

  2. I completely understand sleep but not restful. There are many nights I know I must have slept, but just don't feel rested. If I was awake and not sleeping I would be up. I hope you get sleep and rest soon. Hang in there! Friday's coming. :) Love you, janet

  3. I understand the sleeping and not resting! Hope you get some great sleep and rest! love you!
