Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I will back up briefly and fill you in on yesterday. Mondays are always so hard going back to work.  I was so tired driving in and then the morning just seemed to drag.  I kept yawning and felt like I couldn't completely wake up.  At 9:00 I looked at the clock and was shocked that it was "only" 9:00.  I thought I'd never make it through the day.  I had packed a couple of clementines and decided I needed a boost and ate those.  They seemed to do the trick and I perked up a bit.
After work I came home and prepared dinner and then Mike had the Egyptian couple from church coming over to do some planning for the midweek prayer time they are going to lead. I told him I couldn't be part of it.  I was too tired. I went to the bedroom and did my Bible study and then I think I went to sleep at 8:30.  I knew I didn't have to get up as early since I wasn't going into work in the morning.  I got 10 hours of sleep and it was divine.  :)

So today I had an appointment at 9:00 this morning and was debating whether to go into work this afternoon or just take the day off.  Well, I decided to take the whole day off, but it wasn't really a day off.  I felt so stressed after my appointment that I'm glad I did take the rest of the day off from work, but I also had a lot to accomplish.  Just thinking about everything I needed to do was stressing me out as well.
I needed to find boxes to pack 10-15 Thanksgiving boxes for people in our church and community.  I wanted the boxes that reams of paper come in so I stopped at Office Depot.  They were kinda stingy and would only give me two.  The second Office Depot had none. Then I decided to get smart and called Staples.  I was shocked to learn that they SELL their boxes.  However, I was desperate to get boxes since we are packing the boxes on Thursdays.  I already had 6 FREE boxes from work and 2 FREE boxes from Office Depot, but I decided I'd just buy the other 7.  I had to go to two Staples stores to get the 7 boxes which cost me $7 + tax. A small price to pay.  I then needed to get an oil change, so went to Jiffy Lube.  I was informed I had 3 lights out and would I like them to change them.  I asked how much and they said 12.99.  Total? I asked.  No, each.  What?!  I told them no thanks I could buy them cheaper elsewhere and have my husband put them in.  They also informed me I would be needing a new battery soon - like within 3 months.  Guess I'll buy my car a new battery next month for Christmas.  Haha!
After I got the oil change I thought I might as well go to Auto Zone and pick up the bulbs.  They were 11.99 TOTAL for the 3 bulbs.  Goodness!
I also had to go to the bank to make a deposit and get gas so I can get to work tomorrow. Then I dropped the boxes off at the church and Mike and I and two other people moved the food collection from the sanctuary to the fellowship hall to be ready for Thursday.
In addition to this running around I ironed, did laundry, cleaned the house (it got neglected this last weekend), made dinner and dyed my hair.  Whew, I'm exhausted!
Sorry to say I didn't make it to Bible study tonight.  It was the last night before a break until the first of the year.
Can't believe next week is Thanksgiving.  Sad that we won't see any of our kids on Thanksgiving Day. Ben & Danielle are staying in Riverside to celebrate with Monte (D's dad) and his parents.  They were with us last year ... so the trade-off begins.  We might get to see them Black Friday and/or Saturday though.
Today I'm thankful for God's unexpected blessings.  Mike's motorcycle has needed a new chain for some time, but the cost of the chain and crank and labor would have been $250 or more.  If the chain were to break while he's riding it could cause all kinds of expensive damage to his bike. Today he was informed that the chain and crank are being gifted to him and the labor will only cost $75.  PTL!

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